Blenheim Palace: Why Lovers of Architecture Should Go Here?

Blenheim Palace is a country house that is situated in Oxfordshire, England. It is the birth place of Winston Churchill and was inducted as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Built in early eighteenth century, the palace is beautifully constructed in an area surrounded by magnificent lawns. The Place is built in Baroque architecture with emphasis given on intricate designs and lovely carvings.


The Palace is historically important as it was given as a gift to John Churchill, a Duke of Marlborough by the government of England. It was a token of recognition of the victory of the Duke over French troops. Designed by Lancelot Brown, the Palace was built under the supervision of Vanburgh and Hawksmoor, the lead architects of their time. The architecture of the Palace has many influences on it. The most important influence is that of English Romantic Movement that gave importance to imagination and love for nature. Second influence that is visible in the design of this royal lace is that of medieval architecture.

Blenheim Palace Architecture

There are four towers of the Palace that are adorned with pinnacles and are built in rectangular shape. There are several articulated columns that are located centrally. Designed symmetrically, Palace of Blenheim has several suits and courts. On eastern side, there are suits of Duke. Kitchen and laundry form the part of eastern courts while there are stables on the western side. There are several Pilasters that adorn the walls of the Palace. See here a beautiful Blenheim Palace photo:

Blenheim Palace Photo
Wrought Iron Gates at Blenheim Palace: Image Attribution: By Magnus Manske – Created by Magnus Manske., CC BY-SA 3.0

The magnificent piece of architecture was built to symbolize the power and strength of the nation. The entrance is huge and massive. It is adorned with majestic towers that are fitted with belvederes to give it an appearance of the castle. As one enters the monument, one sees two grand state apartments. One of the state apartments was the dining place or saloon. There are a number of suits on either side of this saloon. These apartments served as guest rooms, bedrooms and dressing rooms. There are exhibitions o the life of Winston Churchill in the room where he was born.

Blenheim Palace is built in the center of a picturesque park was the conception of Vanbrugh who planned to modify the route of River Glyme and stated the construction of Great Bridge. But the later was never completed. Lancelot Browne visualized the park as an artificial landscape. He completed the construction of two artificial lakes.

Blenheim Palace Photo
Blenheim Palace Park: Image Source: Blenheim Palace Website

Attractions at Blenheim Palace

There are several tourist attractions at this royal place. These include a maze, butterfly house, a mini train, and a number of gift shops. Several festivals and concerts are also staged both in the interior of the Palace as well as in the park. The state apartments are meant for special invitees who are representatives of prestigious companies. Several competitions related to photography and art & craft take place in the Palace premises. It is also a site of ceremonial weddings, private events, and conferences. Not only this, there are many eating out places where one can have the good quality food. You can also watch annual weekend of jousting tournaments. Enjoy flower shows, Easter extravaganzas, and food festivals.

Rides at Blenheim Palace
Blenheim Palace Photos: Image Source: Blenheim Palace Website

Blenheim Palace Tickets

The tickets to the palace need to be purchased in advance. If you do not get time to do so, you can book your tickets online on the day of tour. You can buy only once and can visit the Palace free for 12 months. Yoi can also buy Privilege and Annual Passes. No matter which option you choose, all the purchases for the Palace are automatically converted to annual passes. The money collected from these purchases are donated to Blenheim Palace Heritage Foundation. Buy your tickets here.

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